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Deploying An LLM Model for Enhanced Reporting in International Logistics

Jags Consultancy Ltd successfully revolutionized the reporting and data analysis process for a leading logistics company specializing in international shipping. The client faced challenges with their existing reporting tool, which required frequent updates for customized reporting, leading to high costs and operational inefficiencies. To address these issues, we implemented an innovative solution using Code Llama, an NLP query engine built on top of the open-source LLM model, Llama 2.
Client Profile
Problem Statement
The client’s existing reporting tool was rigid and costly to customize. As international shipping involves complex data with various metrics, the client required a flexible solution to generate customized reports efficiently without incurring excessive costs.

Solution Implementation

Roles and Responsibilities
Development of a Custom NLP Query Engine
User-Friendly Interface for Querying


Efficient and Dynamic Reporting
Cost-Effective Data Analysis
Enhanced Decision-Making
Positive Feedback from Users


The successful implementation of Code Llama for this logistics client demonstrates Jags Consultancy Ltd’s commitment to innovative, client-focused solutions. By leveraging cutting-edge technology like LLMs, we provided a solution that not only solved the client’s immediate reporting challenges but also offered scalability and adaptability for future needs.
Future Scope